Actor names do not update within cinematic sequence when replacing them


Ive noticed some weird behavior and unsure if its intended but when replacing an actor in a sequence ive started to remove the current actor first as just direct replacing sometimes bugged and it still had the old referenced actor. After removing then replacing with a new one it doesn’t update the ref name to the new actor. Furthermore if you accidently click the name and click off it then it replaces the name in the outliner with the original name. The ref of the actor in the unique item index system seems to also be the same but when going into it and checking bindings they do seems to be unique and different. Just to add i created a sequence then duplicated it as everything is the same aparat from the cinematic device

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Create a sequence then duplicate it then on the duplicated sequence try and replace the cinematic device with a new one

Expected Result

It should update the actor name and any binding info. I also do not know if the name change is intended but that’s strange behavior as i would think all names should only be changed in the outliner not in multiple ways as shown in the vid i will post

Observed Result

It doesn’t update the actor name and can change the name in the outliner



Additional Notes

Please see video link

It looks like if you use the Add Selected or Replace with Selected menu items, it doesn’t update the name in Sequencer. If you pick an actor from the chooser, it does update the name. I’ll investigate a bit further (Bug report is FORT-866880), look for a fix and report back when I have an update. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

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ty for letting me know and good luck on the bug fix :slight_smile:

Ok. Issue has been fixed and will be available in a future release.