Actor merging = collision problems

No this happens because of this.simple collision won create so use complex collision

Hey guys,

I have some simple static mesh floors and walls (literally a plane) with simple collisions (again, literally a plane).
I’m working on a generated dungeon, and there is hand-made content, so I need to hand-build some rooms to put in said dungeon - but after building the rooms, I obviously need to merge all the static mesh actors to make the load lighter.

Now that’s the problem:
BEFORE merging everything works perfectly fine. All collisions, everything.
AFTER I merge the static mesh actors (I’m using the first option, “Harvest geometry […] grouping them by materials”) everything looks fine BUT the collisions are f*cked up.

  • That means walls, floors and even the ceiling (I even put a couple of placeholder boxes in the level to spice it up) have irregular collisions - in some random points the collisions work, in some other random points, they don’t.
  • I tried unchecking “Merge Pshysics Data”, and the result is that ALL collisions stop working.

Any idea on what may be happening? I never used merge actors before, maybe I’m doing something wrong.

You’re correct, it solves it!

Both of you were right.

If you encounter this same problem, you just need to:

  • Go to the properties all the static meshes you want to merge
  • Search for “Collision Complexity” and set it to “Use complex collision as simple”
  • You can now merge your static meshes actors without any problem. “Merge physics data” must be checked.
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Have you tried setting use complex as simple in the merged mesh details?