Hello I’m making a small game where you have two fighters in an area so player one and two which both use the same keyboard smash bros style. The game is from a bird’s eye view and is in a stage where no maps have yet been created etc.
The way to kill the enemy player is by pushing them into either an obstacle such as a spike (not yet implemented) or something like a projectile which flies across the arena. To do this I need to be able to apply knockback. I would like to know how to make it so that when 1 player is hit by another player ie bumped into there is a small knockback effect. Also, I want it so that when the two players bump into each other as in they both run at each other and collide that they both receive knockback in the opposite direction. eg Hit from behind knockback forward, two plays hit head on both knockback backward etc(picture Beyblade). I’m still new to unreal and I can make it so that when they collide i can make them knockback in a certain direction by inputting xy or z values but I don’t know how to do the hit from behind go forward
This is how movement is set up. Even though they are both physics actors and when they collide they push each other anyway(but not necessarily knockback) for a majority of the game players will be moving and if the two collide they simply stop each other with no knockback, if anyone knows how to do this and can maybe show me how to do it that would be awesome