Actor collider appears to be offset from Actor when using AddActorWorldOffset()

Hello! So I’m trying to move my pawn using AddActorWorldOffset or SetActorLocation with Sweep. But my actor seems to collide earlier than it should.

In the gif I’m just simply moving the pawn downwards and while using sweep. As you can see it stops before it actually hits the ground. But if I check the HitResult it clearly states that it collided with the ground.

After a while I tried moving it down after rotating the object. And as you can see in the picture, it doesn’t collide until halfway through the ground.

If I turn on simulate physics and let the object fall on its own however, the collider works fine.
Has anybody encountered this before? Please help!

Worth mentioning is that the mesh is a Skeletal Mesh. Dunno if that helps.

I would try adding a box collision component and working from that first to try and debug. Without seeing code it’s hard to say exactly what’s wrong.

I actually tried switching to a simple collision geometry as well. A box at first and a capsule as well. Got the same results. There’s really not that much code to show.

But here it is:
AddActorWorldOffset(FVector::DownVector * aDeltaTime, true);

Did you ever find a solution to this issue? I am finding the same behavior (also with a motorcycle, even, haha).