This is an update for UE-80534 found here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-80534) After testing with 4.24.1, this appears to still be an issue under SteamVR (tested with a HTC Vive). This issue now impacts 4.22, 4.23, and 4.24.
A summary of the issue for those that are unfamiliar:
It appears that a static mesh’s late
update capabilities are broken when a
scene capture component exists and is
active on a map.When a scene capture component is not active on a map, a static mesh
correctly performs its late update and
appears to be solidly fixed to its
parent motion controller. You can see
the behavior with a fresh Virtual
Reality template project. When a
scene capture component is actively
capturing and drawing to its render
target, a static mesh that is attached
to a motion controller does not
correctly late update and appears to
lag behind its parent motion
controller.Skeletal meshes do not appear to be affected by this bug.
PLEASE NOTE: These tests were performed with an original Vive and
SteamVR. This issue may not show up
while using a Rift.
If anyone else wishes to test this out, an updated 4.24.1 version of my test project is available here: - Google Drive This example is a slightly modified VR Template project. Use the Vive’s app menu button to toggle the scene capture on and off. Pick up one of the blue cubes and wave your hand around to see the cube lag behind the hand while the scene capture is active.