🔴 Activator VS Runners DMZ | 1984-3435-0112

Thx for trying out the map, I’m scared that it will stay at zero without even being played properly once, I’m full of anger right now…

For your question, if you already have a custom round system that works, I’d suggest keeping it since I had to do many things to fix bugs that occurs between rounds such as gravity not being set properly/hud overlaying on nintendo switch/weapons not being reset/devices not working/ lags at the start of each round/ and many more I forgot. Also the players have to wait 30s to enter the next round which can make them leave I guess.

But if you really wanna know, my way is not clean either, I use items that persists along with some precise island settings and conditionnal button + conditionnal button that consumes the item. More info here : Ways to bypass lack of Persistance - #2 by Fenzy

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