Activate Reality Capture. An error has occurred, please restart the application

Cant go past this screen when opening the software.

" Activate Reality Capture. An error has occurred, please restart the application"

Hi ronaldograxa,
have you tried to restart the application (open it with pushed SHIFT and choose the option Make it like a clean install)? Is it the same?
Here are some recommendation that may help:

  • Make sure that the default browser is set in the Windows settings.
  • The system date should be accurate.
  • VPN browser plugins may be causing connectivity issues.
  • Make sure that the communication with and is enabled on ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) in your firewall.
  • Add * into the Trusted Sites zone in the Internet Options control panel.
  • If you still have Internet Explorer installed, please navigate to Internet Explorer settings, and under its SECURITY tab, you can find the TRUSTED SITES menu. Add and, and hit OK to apply.
  • Open Windows Start and search for “Turn Windows features on or off” and make sure that Internet Explorer 11 feature is enabled.
  • Reset all zones to default level as it is on this image (there you can see the option for adding trusted sites):

  • Also please follow these instructions to make sure you can communicate with Epic’s servers.

Same here. No apparent connectivity issues. Running RCNode.exe produces: RealityCaptureNode: Failed to acquire license. (Error code: 0x80070057)

Is there a log file that may have more information in it?

Hi piezasofwar1,
what kind of license do you have? Which RC version are you using? Is that working not as RCNode?
What are your steps here?

I am facing the same problem on a windows 10 enterprise system, anyone figured it out yet?

Hi DaomingAI,
have you tried the advices from previous post?