So if you have BT and blackboard add boolean key to your BT task we can call it AllowToFollow and check condition of that key in details of your task. Depends on your logic where you will set key value in AI controller or trough player character. Sounds good?
Any way you need to create Boolean variable and use it as gate.
Hi, How do I activate the Ai to follow the player once I have spoken to it?
So far this is what I have for the AI, so when the Ai see the player it starts to follow the player straight away but I want to speak to the AI which then activates and allows the AI to start following the player around. For an example I walk to the player press a button which talks to the AI then after that the AI follows the player
I created the BT and Blackboard and the Boolean key but I am confused with what to do next?
Hi I don’t know is your question still relevant but I have made small video for another question about patrol system. Very simple - have a look maybe it will help you. Simple Patrol Concept - YouTube