Accessing Widget instance from UWidgetComponent class

I have a UWidgetComponent attached to the root component of my AActor. I used UMG to make a widget with an UEditableTextBox and selected the UMG widget as the Widget Class in the BP editor. How do I access the components of the UWidgetComponent if it’s based on a blueprint class?

I figured I could make a simple UUserWidget class to base the BP on instead:

class QUATERNIONV3_API UQTerminal : public UUserWidget

	virtual void NativeConstruct() override;

	UPROPERTY(meta = (BindWidget))
	class UEditableTextBox* CLI;

	void HandleTextCommitted(const FText& Text, ETextCommit::Type CommitType);

But then I’d have to cast the UWidgetComponent to a UQTerminal when I want to interface with the UEditableTextBox. Is there not a more succinct way to do this?

Moreover, is there a more efficient way of rendering dynamic 2D text in world space? The UWidgetComponent jitters whenever it moves.