Hi, I am currently using 4.25.4 version, and I am experimenting on Global Shaders.
I want to pass in the shader(usf file) an array of textures and then output them through the pixel shader. But I don’t know if I use the appropriate code for that. here is the code.
In the .cpp file I use a setParameters function so I can send the textures to the shader.
FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList,
TArray<FRHITexture2D*> InInputTexture)
SetTextureParameter(RHICmdList, RHICmdList.GetBoundPixelShader(), TextureArray,
InputTextureSampler, TStaticSamplerState<SF_Bilinear>::GetRHI(), InInputTexture[i], i);
where TextureArray and InputTextureSampler are layout fields(FShaderResourceParameter)
and in the Shader.usf file I declare a Texture2DArray TextureArray variable;
when I execute it, the TextureArray has only 1 resource, while it should take the number of the total textures where in my case is “2”. ( I output a debug message the number of resources of TextureArray and it has one instead if 2)
Can someone help me how to solve that please?
I also thought that maybe Texture2DArray is considered as a 1 texture sliced by many???
Please help