Accessing skeletal mesh components of actor

I’m trying to use Sequencer programmatically. So I have the logic to add an actor to sequencer and enable Transform.
But I can not find the way how I could enable Mesh components to later keyframe them.

This is how I’m adding the Actor to sequencer with the transform details:

void ABP_model::AddActorToSequencer(ULevelSequence * LevelSequence, AActor * Actor) {

  FGuid MyGuid = LevelSequence -> MovieScene -> AddPossessable(Actor -> GetActorLabel(), Actor -> GetClass());
  UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Actor GUID %s"), * MyGuid.ToString());

  if (Actor != nullptr) {
    LevelSequence -> BindPossessableObject(MyGuid, * Actor, Actor -> GetWorld());
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Actor is NOT NULL, adding to sequence"));

    // adding transform track(property) to sequencer

    UMovieSceneTrack * TransformTrack = LevelSequence -> MovieScene -> AddTrack(UMovieScene3DTransformTrack::StaticClass(), MyGuid);
    UMovieScene3DTransformSection * TransformSection = Cast < UMovieScene3DTransformSection > (TransformTrack -> CreateNewSection());
    TransformTrack -> AddSection( * TransformSection);

  } else {
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Actor is NULL"));

And this is how I’m trying to add the mesh components by name, based on this article: [How to add Properties to Sequencer? - Cinematics & Media - Epic Developer Community Forums][1]

// adding other properties
		UMovieSceneTrack *FovTrack = LevelSequence->MovieScene->AddTrack(UMovieSceneFloatTrack::StaticClass(), MyGuid);
		// FovTrack->SetPropertyAndPath("Body", "Body");
		UMovieSceneFloatSection *FovSection = Cast<UMovieSceneFloatSection>(FovTrack->CreateNewSection());

And on the image, you can see the available meshes that I’d like to enable to be able to keyframe them.
Many thanks in advance

The problem with this line
FovTrack->SetPropertyAndPath("Body", "Body"); is that it’s a BP class that I can not use with C++:

Do you know any alternative that I can use to find a mesh and enable it in sequencer?