Accessed none trying to read property!

Hello! I am pretty new to UE4, and have around 12+ hours of messing around in it so far. I have been following along with a paid tutorial online, and ran into an issue due to changing the code to apply to my project (Third person game, vs his first person tutorial.)

I have searched all over, and my blueprint is setup like everyone else’s videos that explain that it is wrong, but i cannot seem to find what or how to fix it!

This is what is being called, and looking through the error log it shows the problem is weapon. I have weapon editable and exposed on spawn as well.

This is supposed to be a multiplayer game as well.

Here is the picture of the blueprint “ThirdPersonCharacter” that is pushing the error message.

This is the screenshot of “weapon” but not the full blueprint, I didnt know exactly where to screenshot but figured BeginPlay would be a good start!

Thank you for any help!

Accessed none means that you are trying to use a variable that has not been set (NULL). It usually points you where the error is in the logs. If you can show the error log it should be easy to find.

it points to weapon from what i have found but dont know how to set the variable?

Where ist the weapon variable Being set? Right click and find references