I’m trying to apply an ink texture on a character AFTER lighting values have been calculated, so I can apply the texture as a shadow replacement via a post process volume without hacking myself into a corner on default lighting workflows.
I applied an alternate shadow texture using the “WorldAlignedTexture” node per UnrealCG’s tutorial on youtube… but in that implementation, as a mesh moves, the texture dances across it because the post process material is using world space normals. His solution was to ignore movable meshes via the “Render CustomDepth Pass” option… but I feel like it should be technically achievable.
For any material wizards out there, is there a way to “pass through” the mesh normals, so the texture doesn’t affect the lighting pass but could be accessed in a post process material?
If not, are there alternate approaches I might want to investigate… like decals that might not affect the SceneTexture-BaseColor nodes? Are there material domains, blend modes, or shading models that could apply the ink texture before the post process pass? Is there some crazy voodoo with lighting functions I could experiment with?
Any insights, suggestions, or armchair musings would be greatly appreciated.