Access RGB value via PostProcess Material

I’d like to know the RGB value of the pixel (X:100, Y=200, Z=200) seen from camera.
In my opinion, it can be achieved by using Post Process.

So I make the material that material domain is Post Process and
TextureCoord node connects to SceneTexture node(Scene Texure set PostProcessInput0).

If the Color of SceneTexutre converts to RGB value and the value outputs to log, my aim is achieved.
But RGB value can’t output log.
I can’t find the node of print node,…

So could you tell me how to access RGB value via PostProcess Material

Hello! This can help Post Process Materials | Unreal Engine Documentation

Thank you for your comment.

Actually, I tried to use post process material for accessing RGB value.

But I couldn’t achieve it.

The reason is following.

  1. I can’t find the way to return the RGB value from Post Process Material.

    Post Process Material doesn’t have the debug node such as Print Text.

  2. r.CompositionGraphDebug which is the command for debug doesn’t generate any file.
    It might be UE4.27 bug…