Access bones in c++ code

I have been doing this recently with quaternions to control bone rotation, but the first step, how to access the bones in my skeleton tree in c++ code, I can not achieve, I would like to ask how to solve this problem, very urgent.thank you


This is how you access the bones nodes of a skeleton:

USkeleton* Skeleton = MySkeletalMesh->Skeleton;
if (Skeleton != NULL)
    auto Bones = Skeleton->GetBoneTree();

Though the GetBoneTree() function was marked DEPRECATED in 4.14, but should still work for now.

~ Dennis / MazyModz

USkeleton* Obj = LoadObject(NULL, TEXT(“Skeleton’/Game/StarterContent/Bones/Body/jg_Tpose_0_Skeleton.jg_Tpose_0_Skeleton’”));
if (Obj != NULL) {
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Green, TEXT("bone UPload Success !!! " + Obj->GetName()));
FString tem = Obj->GetName();
auto boneTree = Obj->GetBoneTree();

Hello, this is my code, tem=jg_Tpose_0_Skeleton, but boneTree is all None, what’s the reason