Access Anim BP's variables in Anim Node

I have a C++ implemented Animation Node(derived from FAnimNode_Base class) with couple of UProperties exposed via the C++ macro magics, which show as the node’s pins in anim graph editor. Then I connect some Animation BP’s variables to these pins, in the runtime the Animaiton BP’s variables are modified according to game play logic, and my purpose is to have these changes reflected into Animation nodes’ state so they compute the per-frame pose based on the new values acoordingly in Evaluate_AnyThread function. This is the intuitive way I can image, the doc also says accessing Anim BP’s varialbe is considered thread-safe:

BUT it doesn’t work, the Anim Node’s variables remain default(the value you input in editor), and they never change, neither does it work with pure & threadsafe UFunction calls.

I knew the animation graph evaluation is paralleled so there’re limitations. I also knew the “dirty” ways to access the other UObject’s property in C++ thread-safe manner by enqueue async tasks to game thread. But there are not artist friendly, I want the data flow can be visible in UE editor instead of being buried in C++ code.

got it:) The FExposedValueHandler class is right there to handle the data pulling from input pins, actually I think it should be invodked in the default implementation of Update_AnyThread virutal function, so the derived class just invokes its implementation in super class.