Is that what it means?
Is it deprecated?
How is the current way of doing this then?
Why haven’t I seen this message before? (I have a lot of variables instantiated like this in my project for months)
Ok, the problem must be something other than what I imagined… in the message it indicates that an interface exists that problem… And in the interface there are no variables.
I assumed that those warning message is related with inner code of engine itself, and they are not harmful to my project. I had thinked those messages are something like communication message within teams or people in Unreal Engine development team. It is not clear, because I did not investigate codes of engine enough well. But If you make empty new project and follow below, that message will appeared. So I thought those are not related with my project, and those are not harmful.
Make New Project with UE 5.03
Make Some WBP asset and save.
Check “Restore Open Asset Tabs On Restart”, in Editor Preferences → General - Loading & Saving.
Close Editor with opened that WBP above.
Open That Project again, and check warning message in console tab.
I think that warning message you saw is simmilar with my case. It is not clear as I said. But considering some possibility of like that will be not bad.
(In short, I think that it’s ok you ignore that.)
You’re right.
Everything happens just as you say.
I feel calmer knowing that it is not a problem of my code.
I hope the developers remove that disconcerting warning in the next versions of the engine.
Thank you very much for your help!!
I am very grateful to you!!