ACableActor undeclared


I am trying to create cables with this code:

 ACableActor *cable1 = TheWorld->SpawnActor<ACableActor>(Loc, Rot);
            UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor(cable1, FTransform());

However they dont show up and the compiler throw these errors:

/Users//Documents/PLGTest/Source/PLGTest/BSPLevelCell.cpp:149:13: error: unknown type name 'ACableActor'
            ACableActor *cable1 = TheWorld->SpawnActor<ACableActor>(Loc, Rot);
/Users//Documents/PLGTest/Source/PLGTest/BSPLevelCell.cpp:149:56: error: use of undeclared identifier 'ACableActor'
            ACableActor *cable1 = TheWorld->SpawnActor<ACableActor>(Loc, Rot);
/Users//Documents/PLGTest/Source/PLGTest/BSPLevelCell.cpp:149:68: error: expected unqualified-id
            ACableActor *cable1 = TheWorld->SpawnActor<ACableActor>(Loc, Rot);
3 errors generated.
-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
Cumulative action seconds (8 processors): 0.00 building projects, 8.78 compiling, 0.00 creating app bundles, 0.00 generating debug info, 0.00 linking, 0.00 other
UBT execution time: 19.03 seconds
Compiling with Mac SDK 10.9
Deploying now!
Command /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.2/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/ emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure

How can I resolve this??


You probably need to include a reference to ACableActor in the class you are trying to spawn this instance from, e.g.

#include "CableActor.h"

No, its not one of my classes, its a plugin from Epic. I tried this but it cannot find the file CableActor.h

I’m not so good in working with c++, but here is the CableActor.h.
I got it after spawning a cable actor in my Game from the upper left panel (where you can get boxes etc from) and clicking on the sourcefile.

It’s placed here:

C:/Program Files/Unreal Engine/4.3/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/CableComponent/Source/CableComponent/Classes/CableActor.h

Maybe that helps you. I’m not able to find the CableActor.h through the include…
Maybe its only an Editor thing atm :confused:

Ok, for everyone here is how to do it (note I am not going in to detail, feel free to ask me if you have problems):

  1. Download the source from Github
  2. In C:/Program Files/Unreal Engine/4.3/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/CableComponent/Source/CableComponent grab CableComponent.cpp and .h and CableActor.cpp and .h import them into your project.
  3. Update them according to the errors that the compiler throws. (e.g. import your PCH header)

Make sure that the CableComponent module is enabled in your project. First, enable the plugin:

  1. Go to Edit > Plugins in the Unreal Editor.
  2. Search for Cable Component in the list.
  3. Enable the plugin and restart the editor.

Then, add the CableComponent Module to Your Build File. In your project’s *.Build.cs file, add the CableComponent module to the list of public dependencies:

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "CableComponent" });

Then you can include #include "CableActor.h" in your source file.