Absolute World Position in 3D

I’m looking for a way to make a material that is seamless between different meshes and actors, such as a water surface. The twist is that I need it to be seamless on 3 axes - so far I can only get it to be seamless on two axes at the same time.

Is there any way to make it seamless on all axes?

I think if you want everything seamless in 3 dimensions, you’d need a 4th dimension to control it.
This is because whats correct on X and Y, might not be correct on Y and Z.

if anything, this can help: Material Function - World Aligned Texture/Normal With offset & Rotation - Asset Creation - Unreal Engine Forums but its not a magic “I never have to unwrap” tool.

Thanks for the reply (and possible answer).

The material it’s for is for blockout purposes only so I can see measurements directly on the brush without having to ever align it. There is no unwrapping of which to speak.