Absolute world position and scene depth not working with landscape?

I’m not sure how well post process materials work with red nodes that aren’t a dropdown from SceneTexture Node. I’m under the impression that’s supposed to be “the” post process material node, but I could be wrong.

Also, for the visualization of scene depth in PIE, that may only be for translucent objects. At least, the regular scene depth node says it is only for translucency: Depth Expressions | Unreal Engine Documentation

I was creating a post processing material and noticed that the absolute world position and scene depth do not apply to the landscape.

For example, if I placed a few geometries on the landscape, and set up the post processing material such that only pixels where the distance between the “absolute world position” of that pixel and the “camera position” is smaller than a threshold gets rendered and the rest is set to red, then the landscape would just appear red.

Also, in the PIE if I chose buffer visualization → scene depth, then it appeared that the landscape did not have scene depth defined, either.

I checked the documentation but did not find any clue why this is happening. Thanks for any pointer.