About Texture Group : 2D Pixel (unfiltered)

hi, i had the same exact problem as you and managed to fix it with the help of this post: 3D widget nearest neighbor filtering - #3 by BOBtheROSS, a solution that was sourced from a reddit post on r/unrealengine by a user called novacrazy.

here’s a quick guide:

create a custom node in the shader graph for your render target material

paste this into the code property in the node:

return TextureObject.Load(int3(PixelIndex,0));

add two inputs in the node: “TextureObject” and “PixelIndex”, and set output type as CMOT Float 4

turn your render target texture sample into a texture object

hook it up into the tex input on the custom node

hook the texture object into a texture property node (set to texture size)

hook that up to a multiply node, multiplied by the texcoord

hook the output to the pixelindex input in the custom node

you’re done, make a shipping build out of your project and the render target should be in nearest neighbour filtering mode