About gradient fading

Hi guys!

new to Unreal here,

I’m trying to make a gradient fading effect with this gradient texture


I got my material blueprint like this

as you guys can see

I’m trying to make a parameters between 0~1 to change its value

however the result goes wierd

because when I type in 0.5, it look like this

but I thought 0.5 should look like this

how can I make the gradient fade effect with the currect ratio?

Not really sure that I understood correctly.
But I think you need to do so here. Admittedly this is not ratio 0-1.

that is a cool effect!!

unfortunately I think this is too complex for me :confused:

could you explain what both parameters GradientRation and Fallouf are for if it is not too much trouble?

sorry for my poor English, I guess I post a difficult-understanding question here

To put this shortly, I use “add” to make gradient fade effect

if I add -1 then the picture should go totally unseen, and add 1 I should see the entire picture

this works well… yet, with a small issue

if the picture between seen and unseen is within the range of 1 and -1

then shouldn’t the picture goes for half if the value is 0?

but when I type in 0 then it just show more than half picture ( actually I can almost see the whole picture like this one)


It is not following the right rate that I want, so I was thinking a way to fix that.

your solution seems great! just a little confuse with the function though

Gradient ratio are used to control the position of the gradient.
But its hardness, is controlled via the parameter fallof.
I’ve tried quite a few options, and this proved to be a most stable. I think you should just repeat it at home, in order to understand better how it works.

I’ve been trying this

I just want some descriptions to prove what I’m thinking is correct

I think I’m getting use to this material now

Thank you all ! !