About Detailed world depth

I used custom depth and rendered it out.I want to get a more detailed black and white image of this, and right now I can only get a rough idea.How can I solve this problem and get the same picture as the last one?I look forward to your answers.thx


Adjust your divisor param…

Your top image looks like you have a depth range of maybe 10+ meters, where as your reference picture looks like it is 1 meter at most.

You may also want to convert it to sRGB or apply a curve to it if you want it to be human-readable, since depth outputs linear values.

Also, depending on what you’re doing you could use a Normal pass to do some things with more detail combined with the depth pass.

This looks entirely like your depth range – what is the furthest you want to shade, and what is the nearest you want to shade?
Take the nearest of the band and map it to white; anything nearer should clamp to white.
Take the furthest of the band and map it to black; anything further should clamp to black.

Also: The image you pasted as reference doesn’t look like pure depth – either it’s depth from a different camera or it’s some combination of depth and lighting.