I used Unity Engine before and actually I already have some knowleges about module programming. But it’s difficult to apply what I know to Unreal Engine.
I have a character class, I want to apply head bob effect to my character. So I need to create a separate class kinda “HeadBobEffect” or I can make that effect inside my character class? If I can create separate class then what type of class it would be: actor, object or what?
Thanks for helping.
Hi thecaptainwoks,
Adding to the character class is the way you do it in UE as well - you can add things called “Components” - if you’ve created the character class from one of the templates - you’ll see that it has things like a “Mesh Component” and “Camera Component”…
The Camera Component in your class supports something called “Camera Shake” which can be used for things like head bobbing.
I got it. Thanks!
But what about module programming. Can I create dfferent class with some functionality to use it by character class, if yes then what type of class it will be?
Yes you can, there are a number of ways:
- You can base new classes on “ActorComponent” or “SceneComponent”, or even “CameraComponent” etc and add them directly to your actor (probably the most convenient)
- You can build the functionality into the character class and SubClass from that.
- You can create “PlugIns” (these are their own code “Modules”) and use their functionality. These can be either C++ or Blueprint, using the Blueprint Utility Libraries.
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