Able Ability System Info and Support Thread

Alright, update submitted and hopefully it hits later today. Again, sorry for the issues.

I know I’m super frustrated with this update (probably should have just taken the extra month of testing) so I can only imagine the frustration on the user end, but it does have some very good fixes and features so I ask for your patience while we hammer these things out.

Thanks. Btw tried updating it all to 4.22… Didnt work and lost most of it >< cry. Still got my data tables and anims luckily so redoing it all now and make it tidier. Should of backed up.
Gonna do bpi and ac more tidy now

Use Perforce. Takes two seconds to setup (you can easily find tutorials all over the web) and will save you lots of heartache.

Hi :slight_smile:

I got Perforce now thanks.
Trying to simulate physics and all to get this to work.
Its not doing anything as of yet but got any pointers into where to look and research?
Thanks Jesse

Not yet. That’s the problem with Move To / Jump To is it requires that your character is setup in a particular way (has a root shape component or uses the Character Movement Component). Honestly, you have to debug and step through them to see where things are going wrong. Again, that’s the problem with Character Movement in general - it’s VERY case specific.

I’m going to look into them some more now that the update is out, but for the moment I’d just avoid them entirely.

I am trying to create a binding for the branch ability. when I hit the plus button to create a new binding, it creates a new function “OnGetDyanamicProperty_Ability”. it doesnt seem to set the next branch ability at all. this doesnt work for some reason.
edit: I realize after reading the rest of the posts i should wait for the update to hit first.

Hey…I want to buy you plugin but before I do this I want to get sure that this will solve my problem…

My problem:
When I try to do an SPRINTING using Left Shift or other key > Client call an RPC to the server > Change the MaxWalk Speed and active p.NetShowCorrections 1…I see a lot of errors and movement corrections…

With your plugin I can do a sprinting in networking game like Let's make an MMO in UE4 - Part 32 (Multiplayer Sprint impossible in BP) - YouTube without need to use C++???
What the diferrence of your plugin and the Gameplay Ability System from UE4???

Great! Big thanks man ;D

Can you elaborate? If you are using a binding on the Branch Ability, the Ability you return from OnGetDynamicProperty_Ability will be the one that should be branched to.

Able was written as an alternative to GAS (because GAS at the time had almost no documentation and the editor wasn’t meeting my needs). As for the rest of your question,it’s hard to say. You can definitely create a Custom Task that simply modifies the character’s max speed on the server/client (no RPC necessary) - but Able has no effect on your character movement code and how it handles corrections.


I’m getting a fairly consistent issue when using this system. After I create a blueprint ability based on AbleAbility, save and quit. My editor crashes without fail on each subsequent launch. I can only resolve the issue if I go into the file system, and delete the Able Ability I created. Here is the log:

UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FBlueprintEditorUtils::IsDataOnlyBlueprint() [d:\build++ue4\sync\engine\source\editor\unrealed\private\kismet2\blueprinteditorutils.cpp:3114]
UE4Editor_Kismet!FBlueprintCompilationManagerImpl::FlushCompilationQueueImpl() [d:\build++ue4\sync\engine\source\editor\kismet\private\blueprintcompilationmanager.cpp:485]
UE4Editor_Kismet!FBlueprintCompilationManager::FlushCompilationQueue() [d:\build++ue4\sync\engine\source\editor\kismet\private\blueprintcompilationmanager.cpp:2554]
UE4Editor_Engine!UBlueprintGeneratedClass::ConditionalRecompileClass() [d:\build++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\blueprintgeneratedclass.cpp:234]

Maybe related, I cannot clear the Preview Asset after I have selected one. No matter what I do it stays in the view. Any way I can work around these things?


yes that is correct. but the return node does not work at all. In the graph the branch node is null, and will not play any animation unless i set an ability to branch to directly. the binding, even if set directly in the return node does not work. The timeline only reads the static value it will not read any return node.

Screenshot by Lightshot - Bound Ability Branch Blueprint
Screenshot by Lightshot - Timeline

Thanks for the additional details, I’ll dig into that.

Is there anything created in the Ability? Or is it just blank? If possible, can you make an Ability that shows this behavior and upload it here?

For the Preview Asset, you should just be able to hit the Reset Preview Asset button. You can also directly set it via the Ability Editor Settings (and then either re-launch the Ability Editor, or hit the Reset Preview Asset button).

Thank you for the reply.

For the ability, I have reproduced this both with a blank ability and one with a couple of tasks in it. I uploaded one of them for you. My workaround right now is to move the ability files outside of the project, launch the editor, and paste them back in. Although this works for now, I have to re-link them in my character blueprint variables.

For the preview asset, I have a sneaking suspicion that this is what is causing the above to happen with the crash. I have tried clearing it in the following ways:
1- Reset Preview button.
2- Selecting the dropdown where the preview asset is, and selecting “None”. I
3- Going to editor settings and removing the list of allowed preview assets, then repeating any of 1 or 2.

I have also tried reinstalling the plugin, deleting the abilities, and remaking them. In this instance, what happened was the editor loaded and asked me to select a type as a preview asset, but after selecting a completely different asset, the original asset that was stuck in the preview window was still there.

Let me know if you need more info.


Edit: Forgot to mention that the preview asset I have on screen cannot be interacted with. ie: It does not move when animation task is set, I can’t select it to move it around, etc. It’s just visible.

Thanks, I’ve grabbed that file and I’m going to start investigating. What Engine version btw?

This is on UE4.22

Gotcha. I’ll have access to 4.22 tonight, so I’ll check then.

I ran things real quick on 4.20 and things seem to work fine with the Preview Asset. Refresh works, etc.

Does the Actor you are trying to use actually have a shape component on them (capsule, sphere, etc)? And once you click on an entity, you need to use W/R/T to change to Translation, Rotation, Scale. I’ll make it default to translation upon picking an actor to make that a bit more transparent.

Potentially related to OllieWilliams issue. After I updated the plugin, my preview asset no longer functioned. It was stuck on a skeletal mesh that wouldn’t display. Attempts to adjust it in editor settings didn’t work at first. I had to open the Editor Settings tab, add the class I wanted to use then select it in the preview asset. At this point my editor crashed, when i loaded it back in all seems to be functioning as expected. Engine version: 4.21.2

Weird. Maybe that’s the key, changing it through the Editor settings. I’ll give that a shot.

Yes, the actor I originally selected was a character blueprint I had created. It has a camera, capsule, animation BP and mesh.

When I created the first ability in this new project, I was prompted to select an asset type and then specify which asset as the preview one, like in the past versions. I selected that character BP. From then on, regardless of what I attempt, that specific character remains on screen. Even when I specify no assets in the editor settings, or refresh from the top menu element. That asset that is shown I cannot select or move or rotate in any way as well.

The crash happens when I load the project with these abilities in the content folder of the project.