A very crazy bug


A very big bug with the mythic infiltrator pump shotgun that gives 1 million ammo and almost no delay in shooting

Please select what you are reporting on:


What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Take the mythic infiltrator pump shotgun

Expected Result

Get a normal shotgun

Observed Result

A shotgun with no delay in shooting and 1 million bullets




Additional Notes

Please fix it fast

I don’t know how some like this can happen really

Yes, I can confirm that this is happening in my map too for a few weeks already. Voted for a fix.

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After looking more into this I can say this is supposed to be a new unreleased weapon!
This shotgun has a cooldown bar, infinite ammo, and a pretty small damage for a shotgun (44) while i do like this gun please vault it and release when it is time. at least the devs now know what it is

Interesting. I was curious why the stats of some old weapon would change like that, but this makes some sense. Epic please, give us back Mythic version of Infiltrator Shotgun, which is my favourite shotgun in the game and now it is ruined because of this.

BTW: I would recommend change title of this thread because this one is telling absolutely nothing about this issue, so it is like invisible for someone who is going through all bug reports (and there is a lot of them).

How do I change it lol?
im new here.

When you have opened a page with your thread then you should have an icon of a pencil on the right side of the title (it is not too visible, so it can be easily overlooked). Click on it to change it.

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