A Quick Update on 4.7

Nope…I’ve been feeling that since UDK. :smiley:

The majority are already fixed internally and you can see the fixes if you get the master source branch from GitHub, but that branch is not yet tested and may have other errors that need to be fixed. Everything is moving forward very well.

I am hoping 4.7 will be more stable then 4.6.1 wanted to use some of the features in it for our game and now I have been spending more time it seems tweaking stuff that looked right/worked now then before. My lighting and shadows seem to be really off compared to 4.5 but I already converted the project. Also the Editor crashes a lot when working with PBR Mats and if I have YouTube or Google Hangouts open it’s almost impossible to use the engine cause it will either crashed or lag like mad when before I could do both. Hopefully 4.7 will fix these problems. Also I thought the launcher was suppose to be updated on Monday or did that get changed?

Thank you a lot for the info update! =)