A Character does not move after spawn (AI Auto posses option = "Placed in world or spawed"

Animation works fine, and character is moving on place;

The characters which are not spawned moving fine.

Move logic

UNavigationSystem* const NavSys = GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem();
if (NavSys)
    auto selected =  .....

    auto location = FVector{tx * 200.f + 100.f, ty * 200.f + 100.f, 206.f};

    auto controller = selected->GetController();

    NavSys->SimpleMoveToLocation(controller, location);

Spawn logic

static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<Apre_alpha_ilpgCharacter> classfinder(

if (classfinder.Succeeded())
    builder = classfinder.Class;

FVector loc = {x, y, 206.f };
FRotator rot = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;
Apre_alpha_ilpgCharacter* crtr = world->SpawnActor<Apre_alpha_ilpgCharacter>(builder, loc, rot);

I was able to find an issue. The problem was in a place where Spawn logic was called. I’ve moved it to Controller::OnConstruction and it helps.