A Boy and His Kite - Jun 11 & Jun 12

try what I said in this thread.

hope it helps:)

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Can a developer state for certain that the Cave is in the Runtime executable? I have found every cinematic location with the exception of the cave. Looked over every meter of the upper left corner of the level … where the twitch video said the cave was located … and came up empty. Also, the lakes do not match the configuration and placement of the so called “final height map” discussed in the twitch video, making it even harder to find the cave. Help anyone? And thanks Epic for given us this demo, runtime, assets, and engine for free. Great upper management decision. You guys are the best. Hope the river tool in the next release. Cheers

Sorry for the wait (Thanks, E3 :p)! The videos are now up :slight_smile:

Nothing but silence … peculiar …

And the Cave location?

Is it in the Runtime or was it removed before the executable was made public?

The Scottish / New Zealand terrain is beautiful … but appears even more stark with every day spent looking for a tiny opening to a cave. Was flipping the channels the other day and an episode of a show called Duck was on from Scotland. … hung around to check out the terrain, and can say A Boy and His Kite demo nailed it, the rocks, cliffs, grass, flowers, perfect. But perhaps a herd of rednecks with shotguns instead of deer would have spiced up the demo a bit more, or a zombiefied military unit of the Clan Wallace … just kidding … checking to see if anyone even reads this post anymore … no offense intended to anyone … especially the deer.



In Pt. 2 at ~56 minutes in (Creating "A Boy and His Kite" | 02 | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube), Evans is talking about the kite tail simulation/animation and an open source tail toolkit which I can’t seem to find on searches. Sounds like her name is Reann Tulon? Any someone has a link to that?


You are wasting your time. Posting here is a lost cause. The Epic Staff and Moderators only respond to “Veteran” posts. Apparently if you are just a supporter or newbie you are “set free” (ignored).


Go to GDC_Landscape level and then go to Window-Levels, then double click on cave_interior to load the cave level in the scene.


@CrashA51 I’m sure they are just busy, I was just curious if any others knew the link. I’ll take a shot at your question though: nothing was covered in the streams about the cave, since I think the focus was more on creating a large scale open world. I’m on a Mac so can’t run the demo, but have you tried looking in the Matinee? It’s probably a cut scene.

Because at Epic has the time to check every thread they possibly could be related to, especially while at work.
There are enough cases in which Epic staff and moderators responded to non-Veteran (or above) users, but keep in mind that these are people (in the case of the Epic staff) with work and not some tech support or hobbyists like most of us here.

Try to be more patient before making accusations or deliver some evidence (and no, saying “look for yourself” doesn’t count), otherwise you represent yourself in a negative way and people will be more likely to ignore you. Those are humans with lives too, not some machines dedicated to support you.

You were close! It’s Riham Toulan: ://www.rihamtolan/ There is the blog he specifically mentions.

Ouch. I admit that by no means do we catch everything, but we aren’t purposefully ignoring anyone. If you had a question you felt needed Epic to respond to, but was ignored, you can contact me directly via PM even. I’m always on Monday-Friday 9-5 EST.

I’m getting someone from Samples/Content Team to explain the cave situation and I’ll get back to you on that shortly.

EDIT: It is in the map, but the map is 100 square miles and the cave is surprisingly small by comparison. The cave assets are specifically in the sub-level “Cave_Interior”. If you have it all loaded up, you can search your World Outliner for “PostProcessing_Cave” select that asset, then press ‘F’ to focus the camera to it. I hope that helps!

Thank you very much!

Deepest apologies , sarcasm not indented, only used to see if the post was dead … no replies in days, and no discussion on the net about the cave location … lots of people asking about the location, no answers from EPIC.

My question is about the runtime executable, not the project. I understand the cave assets are there in the Kite Project files, but thanks for the replies an Lane.

, it appears the cave was removed from the executable along with some other assets to reduce the file size. Is that correct? In traveling around the map I noticed a lot of assets floating, or improperly placed, as if someone went around and removed things, especially in the top left corner … and the lakes in the runtime do not match the twitch demo. There is not a single post on the web showing the cave in the runtime. After spending days going over ever meter of the runtime, it is beautiful, but not very diverse, so finding the Cave would a welcome change of scenery. So , can you please ask about the runtime executable that was released, is the cave in there somewhere?

For the record, the cave is a big part of the demo, like the ending of a movie. So for me, I want to find it in the released runtime. I am a world’s expert in my field, having taught over 900 seminars in 21 countries, and my time is also valuable, and I only expected a reply, not a dedicated Epic moderator … so chill out Dakraid … my sarcasm is not a license for your condescending post. Don’t troll people you don’t know, we are all adults here. speaks quite well for himself, he is not Chappie in need of a mommie … unless, could it be, is really human … how do we know, what proof do we have, he could be a bot with really good AI.

Are you human ? Your not some next gen bot moderator Epic has developed are you? Perhaps you have an expiration date built in and that is why Dakraid thinks moderator time is so limited and precious. But wait a minute, don’t we all have a built in expiration date? So … everyone’s time is limited and valuable. That’s called humor, lighten up.

This stuff is taking all of the “fun” out of gaming. Gaming use to be fun. Now it’s becoming drudgery, as anyone that has invested time in games like Destiny understands what I am saying.

If you want to set the Unreal Engine free for Indie developers you need to include more relevant tools to help organizations with limited resources. I have spent literally days going over The Boy and Hid Kite released runtime demo. I applaud all of the new technology integrated into 4.8, but what was not added, and what is really needed, is an up to date Water engine on a par with what other engines are now including. I don’t need 100 square mile maps, I would trade level size to realistic wave and water (Beaufort scale and wind/water/rock//weather ) with easily customization. Great water shaders are a specialized field few have mastered, and beyond the capability of an Indi game developer. So , please pass on my request for a Water Engine in the next major upgrade to Engine. Just dreaming … I know.

Cheers, no offense meant to anyone, especially Epic

Oh man really. Before 3/2014 there were at best basic things available unless you put out the big money.

Now look at UE4. Massive amount of advanced tech. Source available. Massive (literally) amount of assets to even use commercially.

Yet the world is not enough. lol

Rama’s Thank you thread seemed a bit crazy to me at first. But Rama is right. Thank you Epic! :smiley:

Stand back the “Veteran” has spoken. Ask about improving the not so epic white elephant standing in the room, “poor water shaders,” and the fur flies. Who needs a 100 miles on any level? Anyone? I don’t. Is the water sup-par and behind the times in terms of what other game engines produce? I’m not sure. But is anyone honestly going to tell me the Engine comes with up to date water shaders? I asked myself that as I walked across the lakes and water in the Kite demo.

Once again, put away your pink Uzi, Epic doesn’t need a mommie. There is an important term successful companies monitor, it is a “strategic inflection point,” it is the point in time when the new is in and the old is out, unless you are one of the few that still listen to music on eight-track … cool but out of date. Well, in game water shaders has hit a strategic inflection point. Epic needs to hear this, so stop trying to silence those of us trying to make a good engine great. The Unreal Engine is falling way behind in the area of water, and it desperately needs an up to date water engine to stay competitive. The 100 square mile level was only achievable at the expense of other more practical level feathers and shaders. Could care less what you veterans have to say … you are they reason Epic has let this issue sit so long. I hope Epic management is listening.

So lets stick to the question here … Cave location in released runtime anyone? Was it removed to save file size? News on a water engine in future release … More off topic replies?

I have no hightened status by that Veteran tag, Im just an hobbyist. :slight_smile:

In the JSF competition on team removed tones of parts to reduce the weight of their vehicle, in order to demonstrate it’s ability to take off vertically and hover. The other team did not. The other team won. Creating a 100 mile level, then trimming it down because of runtime issues causing it to run very chunky, it not validation of what an Indi developer can do with version 4.8. Thus the reason I am asking if the Cave is in the released runtime executable.

Why do I want a water engine? Have anyone of you look at the improvements that have been made to water in games like GTA 5, Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, Dead , Bioshock, Far Cry … just to name a few.

Not being critical or stirring the pot. Just pointing out that any Indi developer interested in a level with water is currently handicapped by the lack of good water shaders that come with UE4, and that is something EPIC needs to focus on, or eventually it will hurt their bottom line.

If you haven’t noticed is setting things free today … with Fallout 4 you will be able to import and use mods on in console games. The new Doom game will have a feature called Snap Map, allowing custom map creation in minutes. Tons of game engines comes with modern water shaders!

You veterans are not helping Epic by defending the old guard and old ways, you are impeding progress, and in the end if Epic doesn’t listen they will become non-competitive. Epic management, stop listening to these people. I bet they told you that charging a monthly subscription for the Engine was a good idea. How did that work out for you?

It is not easy to listen to the truth, especially from family and friends, but someone needs to say it. I support Epic 100 percent, and I want them to continue releasing upgrades that meet my needs, not what was good enough a few years ago. The new functionality in 4.8 is not a step forward, it was very egotistical egotistical, someone thought 100 mile level technology in 8 weeks means something to someone … what game level do you know can use that technology? LOD, have any of you actually spent time in the quad roaming the level? I have. From the air it all turns to mindcraft pixelation … but when walking it shines … but with poor performance, even with so much removed from the level such as working time of day, real water, etc.

Enough said, I will leave you to your eight-track expectations for future upgrades to UE4.8. Hope management at Epic is following this. Swallow your pride and get with it, you are way behind despite the great demo and free use of the tool.

I am not posting this because I think Epic needs a pat on the back. They need to hear the truth. I need a an engine that I can use without investing a million dollars on a development team to write shaders that should already be in the engine.


The photogrammetry results in the Kite demo were amazing, great job, but once again not setting a new bar. No one has done it better than the 2014 release of “The Vanishing of Carter.” The rock, grass, tree, vegetation, cliffs, on the beginning of the opening level were stunning. There isn’t much call for or diversity in Scottish Highland assets (heaths and bogs), so the Kite demo is of little use to me.

Now if 4.8 came with SpeedTree without a subscription, or at least some assets like those found in Carter, that would be something. Going to set it free, set it all free. Buy out Speedtree and integrate it into UE. Simple management decision, Epic is big enough, make big girl decisions. How do you think SAP became … well … SAP. A water engine, weather system, SpeedTree, EU would rule them all.


@CrashA51 you mean something like “Water Surface Pack” that they released in May?
Which they initially released and have been working on for a while (Feb):
Initially shown on January:
The shaders are there, as a package that doesn’t have to be “included” with every install of the Editor increasing the download size for every user. Not needs water components. If you look at that Water Pack, it has a lot of flexibility and then you could always improve/tweak it to your liking.

Abzu, A Journey Under the Sea, from Giant Squid (people from Journey) is using UE4 creating an entire underwater experience.v=CxvTzkeMGY0http://www.engadget/2015/06/10/abzu-hands-on/

I’m a newer person to Unreal, I am indie working on games, I don’t have a lot of posts because I’ve been reading and doing research, learning, following what is going on. I spent quite a while researching engines, strengths, and “future facing” options, and UE4 has been, by far, the best option for an indie developer(s). But, I do not come at it expecting everything for “free”, like any tool, I know I’ll have to sink a lot of time into it, research options, and actually start making things to make the most out of the engine.

Last thing, if you’ve followed UE4 for any amount of time, you’ll realize that there are still a lot of things they are working on, trying to improve, and those improvements come out monthly, or you can download the source from Github. I am, personally, amazed at the work being done, and openness of the project, allowing others to help improve it. This is what I labeled as “future facing”.

“A” for effort, no disrespect, but no Lane, I am not talking about something like the “Water Surface Pack.” Too complicated and does not go far enough, as noted in the youtube comments. Creating water features in UE is not user friendly, even with this pack.

I am asking for a full blown water engine integrated into UE with user friendly customization options, more advanced water shaders, incorporating Beaufort scale, wind, weather, wave, , translucency, that bring water to life.

The Water Surface Pack was already out of date before it was released. Go download the executable of “Azure Temple” off the web. This was the work of Kulagin, winner of the 2006 QAuest3D competition. There is an example of good water shaders for the time and tool. I have also seen some of his later work, where you could see localized wind ripples on top of the water, just amazing. If Epic hired someone like Kulagin to lead the water engine effort they would have the best water in the industry. That is what is needed. The Surface Pack is okay, but doesn’t hold up to water shaders from 2006. No offense, but that is what I am talking about. in the industry is afraid to take on this issue. With Oculus and other VR right around the corner, it is time for the game industry to step up and create realistic water, waves, and beaches that are easy for the developer to drop into a level.

Put Elon Musk on it, he could get it down. I use to work for the Lockheed Skunk Works. All you had to say to our engineers is that no one else can do this, and they would do it, in a few months. No one said it would be easy or cheap, but if you want something down right just get the right engineers with attitude on it and they can do it.

