Why? did i forget to check some checkbox?
And btw, even in the editor when it smooth, when turning my head around it sometimes ( each second or so… ) has this little fps drop that kinda kills the experience ( this is an empty starter scene, with the chairs and table ).
My spec:
Intel 4790k
GTX 780 TI
Ok, after playing with the oculus settings ( change to extended mode and back to direct lol ) it worked on 75 on the packed game too, however it still has this small jittering i was talking about.
Changing to lowest quality fixed it though, i guess i will have to play with the settings.
Did you try removing the skybox from the scene? I find it’s not optimized for VR costing a lot of performance. Another tip is to copy the postprocessing component from the Couch Knights content example map for an extra performance boost.
Thanks i will keep that in mind.