Firstly thanks for delivering a wonderful development tool into the hands of indie devs - UE4 is truly awesome.
One common thread that has run throughout UDK history is that of producing a 6DOF movement setup.
So far nobody has been able produce a fully working Descent type movement system.
Is there any chance the devs at Epic could add a 6DOF template to UE4 in future updates?
Ah cool!
Shame this is in Unreal script though, I wouldn’t have a clue how to implement this in UE4 Would it be possible with Blueprint or would you need to code it in C++?
In theory anything made in Unrealscript should be able to be done in Blueprint, as Blueprint is meant to be a visual Unrealscript replacement. A few things might be changed here and there since it’s a new engine, but if you can understand why the code does what it does, you should be able to find a way to implement it.
Edit: Clipped out the last part, after checking some things I can’t show it until Epic re-releases it under the new build, it’s being re-worked for the new version
I have build 4.0.1 and there doesn’t seem to be a flying example in there - just the usual FPS, 3rd Person sutff.
If you could provide a screen cap that would be awesome! I’ve been trying to modify the UFO physics in the content examples but I’m getting nowhere
We plan to add a template (in C++ and Blueprint flavors, as usual) that shows how to make a physics based flying object. Something like the UFO but simpler.
I just whipped together a quick 6-DOF pawn using blueprints. It was exceedingly simple. it’s really rough and doesn’t have a roll input, but it’s certainly 6DOF and just as nauseating as Descent was!
I’m not entirely sure how to share simple code snippets, but here’s a video and some screenshots of the blueprint:
Brilliant work ! Looks like you have full 360 on the vertical too, with no gimbal lock.
I’m going to try out the blueprint setup you provided - many thanks by the way.
I’ll let you know if I have any luck with the roll input too.
Oh and James, great to know you guys are planning to include a template, thanks much!
I tried to replicate your blueprint but I’ve hit a wall and I’m not sure what the problem is?
When I try to add the Axis Events to the BP, I get a message telling me that I cannot add this node to this type of graph - any ideas what i’m doing wrong?
I created a new BP based on the pawn - set the static mesh to pawn in the components properties and enabled use controller pitch, yaw, roll in the defaults tab - but no joy
I’m new to creating pawns from scratch and right now I don’t think there are any tuts available for it - the templates provided with UE4 aren’t helpful for reverse engineering either.
Tough to say. Can you provide a screenshot or exactly what the error is?
Possibly you’re not working in the Event Graph of the Pawn (maybe the Construction Script?)
Ah! you’ve subclassed the UFO blueprint? That’s likely where the issue is. I simply used the UFO body as the static mesh in my Pawn class. Start by creating a new Pawn BP in your content browser, add a static Mesh component, etc. Then in the Event Graph you can implement the code. When you subclass an existing BP, overriding functions is a bit tricky. I’m working up a more in-depth tutorial, but my time has been limited. Hopefully tomorrow is a slower day than today
I think I found the problem!! I think we might have come across a bug in the BP editor.
When I right click to add the Axis input event, BP has no problem - but when I try to drag and drop from the node panel on the right hand side of the BP editor window it gives me the ‘Cannot add node to this type of graph’.
If you could verify that this is in fact a bug you experience too, then we could submit it to Epic. If it is indeed a bug??
Well, look at that! That certainly looks like a bug! I’m getting the same behavior. I’ve never used the palette actually as I find the context-sensitive system when you right-click to work so darn well, and helps me discover functionality.
Wow, a genuine bug I’ve totally switched over to the context-sensitive system now, it’s awesome, it feels very natural and more efficient.
Do you know if there is an official bug reporting thread, or is this one supposed to be it? EDIT: (No worries I found the official thread!)