Maybe you should to click the direction light in world outliner, and go to the details panel, let the transform to the default location, it should be X=0,Y=0,Z=0.And check out the “Scale”, you can change the scale.
In the Direction Light’s details, adjust the Source Angle to alter the size of the sun
thanks,but I tried 100 times,it’s not useful
thanks,it’s not useful
Have you tried creating a sky atmosphere and go into the details of the sky light, then scroll or search for “Used As Atmosphere Sun Light” If this does not work, I’ll check back in later and I’ll have to see try and get a small sun like you so that I can try and fix it.
The same thing happens to me, is there a solution finally?
Yes, adjusting the Source Angle increases the size of the sun it self.
This is it, thank you!
In-case anyone else doesn’t know, this also affects the softness of shadow edges.