5.5 Serialize resetting inherited BP class's variables

This is an issue with 5.5. The saving/archiving has been optimized to default to delta saving, such that when a savegame variable is at its default, it isn’t serialized in the archive.

There’s a bug in that during load, it can get the wrong default somehow and reset to zero (most likely the base class’s default rather than the child/inherited class’s overridden default).

This breaks save and load pretty badly on my application. Turning off the delta behavior fixes it at the expense of a larger save file.

Look at bDense in Archive.cpp for where the problem comes from.

MySaveGameArchive(FArchive& InInnerArchive)
	: FObjectAndNameAsStringProxyArchive(InInnerArchive, false)
	ArIsSaveGame = true;
// This  fixes it
	ArNoDelta = true;