5.5 ImpostorBaker - Do I need to enable anything other plugins to get it to work?

I am using 5.5 and I have enabled the ImpostorBaker Plugin but when I try to generate an impostor I just get the following:

I have tried multiple meshes and even tried creating a new project but still get the same issue.

I have enabled the Geometry Script plugin in but do I need to enable any other plugins to get it to work?

I have the same issue. :frowning:


Yeah the BP_Genereate_ImpostorSprites Blueprint has errors in it - 5.5.1 seems to have fixed material errors.

rdLODtools still creates them, but I actually prefer planar LODs with a top plane myself.

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Stumbled across this post where the issue was related to CreateMaterialInstanceFromBaseMaterial node within the EUW_Impostor widget blueprint.

After literally just disconnecting that node:

Then recompiling the EUW (Editor Utility Widget), the Impostor Editor is working as expected:

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@Jawdy Great! Thanks!

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