5.5.1 c++ won't apply changes from manual build and Live Coding.

  • Create a CoreGame plugin which has a CharacterBase inheriting from Character, and PlayerCharacter inheriting from CharacterBase.
  • In the Editor, I create a blueprint called BP_PlayerCharacter, which inherits from PlayerCharacter.
  • Every time I make modifications to the CharacterBase or PlayerCharacter C++ file, then build successfully with Rider or Live Coding, PIE doesn’t reflect any changes unless I close and reopen the editor. Upon reopening, all changes are applied.

I didn’t have this issue with 5.5.0. Could anyone confirm if this is a bug?

There is also a message box when disabling Live Coding, which asks to manually build after restarting the editor.

And this is the warning with Live Coding:

Yes , this warning show you haven’t build the latest DLL(CoreGame.dll) of your c++ code for the editor, the dll built by LiveCoding is all patch Dlls , i don’t know which type of DLL Rider built for you, but if you are based MSBuild , you can build the latest CoreGame.dll by Visual studio , or another way is built with shell command…
you should close editor, and build the latest DLL , and restart editor, then the LiveCoding will work properly …

I created a couple of projects recently, and they seem to be unstable. Some have warnings like the ones mentioned above, some don’t have any warnings or errors, and some encounter errors right after adding the first C++ file.

I also created a project with 5.4.4 and didn’t have any problems.

For anyone experiencing errors or warnings with Live Coding, just delete the Binaries folder and reopen the editor; this should solve the problem.

Regarding the IDE manual build not applying changes in the editor, this is a bug. I have already tried with both Visual Studio and Rider, and any code changes in the plugin won’t take effect in the editor unless it is reopened.

For now, if anyone encounters this issue, I suggest using Live Coding rather than the IDE, or downgrading to 5.4.4.

If anyone has a better solution, please let me know.

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