[5.4] Black landscape after editing visibility layer.

I tried editing the visibility layer on my landscape and the material turned black. At first, it was just a very large square area. Now the entire thing is black. And I get this in the corner and it won’t go away.


Anyone know what’s going on here?

Oh, and I can’t see the landscape brush when editing the landscape. Anyone know how to bring it back?

Greetings @AlienRenders

I’ve saw this happen a few times. I actually had a post stored that someone in the community tossed a video together with possible fixes for this specific type of issue. You’ll have to scroll down toward the bottom of this thread to find the post. But, I’d check that out first. Let me know if you get working! (The link to the thread is Landscape Material turns completely Black after Updating project from 5.1 - #24 by Akio_Kami)

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None of those fixes work for me.

I only have one layer. So this should be simple. But when I used the Landscape Layer Blend node, everything goes black. If I remove it, it’s fine except that the landscape visibility mask no longer works (not that it ever did, but it does show up transparent with the layer blend node). I’d also like to add more layers later on so I need to keep the layer blend node.

This is really frustrating. I have no clue what to do.

The layer is filled. I replaced the layer info but that didn’t change anything.

I think the editing/painting of layers is just broken. I can’t paint anything even in a new layer. I can’t clear or fill.

I did figure out how to get the landscape brush to show up again. For some reason, when you select landscape mode, it unselects the landscape from the outliner. So you have to select it again in the outliner and then it shows up.

I restarted the editor (yet again), but this time it said it fixed a bunch of missing weight maps. It displayed the landscape for a brief moment then it turned black again.

I found this in the logs:

LogTexture: Warning: GetMipData failed for /Game/TowerDefense/Maps/LevelB.LevelB:PersistentLevel.Landscape_1.Weightmap_18 (B8G8R8A8)
LogTexture: Error: TryLoadMips still failed after ForceRebuildPlatformData /Game/TowerDefense/Maps/LevelB.LevelB:PersistentLevel.Landscape_1.Weightmap_18.
LogTexture: Warning: GetMipData failed for /Game/TowerDefense/Maps/LevelB.LevelB:PersistentLevel.Landscape_1.Weightmap_19 (B8G8R8A8)
LogTexture: Error: TryLoadMips still failed after ForceRebuildPlatformData /Game/TowerDefense/Maps/LevelB.LevelB:PersistentLevel.Landscape_1.Weightmap_19.
LogTexture: Warning: GetMipData failed for /Game/TowerDefense/Maps/LevelB.LevelB:PersistentLevel.Landscape_1.Weightmap_20 (B8G8R8A8)
LogTexture: Error: TryLoadMips still failed after ForceRebuildPlatformData /Game/TowerDefense/Maps/LevelB.LevelB:PersistentLevel.Landscape_1.Weightmap_20.
LogTexture: Warning: GetMipData failed for /Game/TowerDefense/Maps/LevelB.LevelB:PersistentLevel.Landscape_1.Weightmap_21 (B8G8R8A8)
LogTexture: Error: TryLoadMips still failed after ForceRebuildPlatformData /Game/TowerDefense/Maps/LevelB.LevelB:PersistentLevel.Landscape_1.Weightmap_21.

edit: Yeah, I keep getting that notification that it’s waiting on a texture resource. I’m guessing my weight map is borked. But this is happening on all 3 levels that have a landscape.

Wait, if I uncheck “Enable Edit Layers”, I can now edit layers. WTF? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?

I updated my material in my virtual height field to use the stored visibility mask and everything works now.

I’m really confused though. Isn’t “Enable Edit Layers” supposed to be checked ON in order to edit layers? I have to uncheck it to modify the landscape layers.

edit: Ohhh… ok. So “Enable Edit Layers” isn’t to paint layers, it’s to add, remove or modify the layer itself (not the weight or height maps). And when this is checked, you can’t paint. In any case, this isn’t what was causing the whole thing to go black. I recreated my layer now that I can paint on it.

edit: Is there a way to update the visibility mask right away? I have to toggle “Enable Edit Layers” to see the changes.

edit2: Got it. You have to use the visibility mask directly in the landscape material and turn off the virtual height field.

Thank you for sharing! :blush:

Sorry for the delay! Were you able to resolve it?

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You’re very welcome! I’m glad it helped!

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Yes I resolved it. When I switched to include the visibility mask, it erased all my layers. I didn’t understand that the “Enable Edit Layers” checkbox worked opposite of what I thought. Once I was able to repaint my layers, everything worked fine.

Oh, right on! Well, the important thing is that you got it working! Great job!

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