5.3 Lighting Error

I’m moving a project from 5.1 to 5.3, and quickly noticed this issue. When the camera or viewport is close to a mesh, there is a fog around within the camera, sometimes white, sometimes black. It’s especially noticeable with emissive materials, and this was not happening in 5.1.

I turned off Lumen and Nanite, Auto Exposure, and I’ve played around with tons of other settings. I can’t find the cause of this problem. Any ideas?


Update: It comes from the Post Process volume in the level. I have a cel shader which requires the PPV. The PPV settings for Local Exposure, specifically Blurred Luminance, is causing it. Turning this value down to 0 gets rid of the fog, but also discolors the entire scene. So for the time being it’s a matter of “Which way do I want the scene to look ugly and wrong?” Ugh… I miss not having these problems in 5.1…