5.3 Build Error

I been trying to figure this issue for the past few days with no success. I was trying to upgrade my project to 5.3 and I would get this error when trying to build my project.

In the screenshot it is the same error in a fresh project. Did anyone else have this problem and was they able to solve it. Also, it works fine in 5.2.

Hi @Winter_Wolf,

Can you copy-paste all the text that appears in the OutputBuild window when this error happens ?

exited with code 6” is something that MakeFile always throws when a compilation fails, so this isn’t really helpful for us at all.

The real meaningful errors should appear in the Output window.

Here goes the error code

nice, here is the real error:

It seems that something wrong is going on with plugin DLSSMoviePipelineSupport
Do you have this plugin installed for UE 5.3 ?

I always use plugins installed inside of the Project folder, not in the Engine itself, so I’m a bit unaware how transition between Unreal versions looks like and what happens with the plugins during said process.

There is a post which suggests a solution for your problem:

I hope, this will be helpful. If not, I’m afraid, I can’t help more :confused:

That was able to help me. I had to install the nvidia plugins inside of the project plugin folders inside of the engine one that was in the instruction. Thank you for helping me.

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