5.2 Source, Missing Module when opening Project

Hello Community :smiley:

My project built on UE 5.2 is getting close to my first “Beta”-phase.
As it gets further, I want to go from listen to dedicated, so I downloaded the UE 5.2.0 release from GitHub. Like in this tutorial and the README on GitHub, I run the Setup.bat, the GenerateProjectFiles.bat and the UE5.sln file in the up-to-date Visual Studio 2019. Under the Development Editor and Win64 mode, the UE5 was built.
Now, when starting an instance under debug, UE5 claims my project were built on a different version. Both the source and my project are version 5.2 and neither convert in place nor simply open it will work.
The first popup is a Missing Plugin, which isn’t necessary, but the second popup is a Missing Module that wants to rebuild “Advanced Sessions” and “MyProject” which both fails.
Can somebody please help me? :weary: :pensive:


The Advanced Session module is a notorious problem on going the dedicated server route/swapping projects to source. You have to set the plugins up differently in the visual studio solution as opposed to just ticking the box inside the editor.

Generally, you’d have to have the editor open and tick the box in the plugins and then open up the VS solution and set it up properly in there, but since the project doesn’t open, you may have disable it in the previous engine version then try and open the project in the later version and set it back up. It’s a huge pain in the you know what. I just outright disabled it since I don’t need sessions with my servers, but if you want all that other stuff the plugin offers, you’ll have to get it working.

Thats all I can offer on that… I’d look into some tutorials on setting up plugins with a source build. That may help you… I haven’t seen a lot of tutorials specifically on advanced sessions on source builds though. I hope that helps a little lol.

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Thanks for the reply. I’m working on it, too. In a few days, I’ll let you know how far I’d gone. =)

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I got it done by right-click on my “Game.uproject” → “switch engine” to the source build I made → open “Game.sln” in VS2019 → Run with Debugger in DevEditor-Mode.

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