The object gets destroyed when the host interacts with the object, but not the client.
in the character BP I draw a linetrace to detect what the user is looking at and if it has the interaction interface implemented, if it does then the user can press a key and send the Use Interact Event shown in the graph. I have tried attaching print strings everywhere to see where this is going wrong, it will print everywhere correctly unless I attach it to the Run On Server event at the bottom. This issue has embarrassingly had me stumped for several days and I just want to learn what is making this not function.
Welcome LottoRed7,
It sounds like your problem may have to do with replication. Basically, the server exists as the ultimate source of truth and it will replicate it’s state to each of the clients. If you delete something as the “host” or server, that will be reflected on each of the clients’ instances.
If a client deletes an object, it will only show up in that clients instance momentarily. When the server updates all the clients, it will appear again as if nothing has happened on that client. This is because according to the server that object was never deleted. The server needs to be told about this change so that it can keep all client instances in sync with each other.
I found this video that does a better job of explaining it and hopefully will contain the answers you are seeking.
Sorry, I meant to delete this post as I solved it already, the issue had to do with object ownership. The functionality had to be moved to the player controller BP instead of the Character BP.