Hi there, I recently switched my project from 4.22.3 to 4.23. Everything works great except for a problem with the packaged game. No matter what material I use, the landscape material won’t compile and the default material will be used instead. This happens only on the packaged game, on the editor everything is fine.
I tried changing the packaging settings but had no luck. If I package the game in shipping mode, it won’t open due to ‘‘LowLevelFatalError [File: Unknown] [Line: 139] Shader compilation failures are fatal.’’ I assume that’s caused by the same problem. If I package it in development mode it will open, but the landscape material won’t show as I mentioned before. Full rebuild doesn’t change anything. I tried disabling RayTracing as that is the only thing that I changed but it won’t show up either.
I found this in the log from the development packaged game, mentioning the landscape material:
‘‘LogMaterial: Can’t compile SnowGen with cooked content, will use default material instead’’
SnowGen is the material used for the landscape. I also found this one:
‘‘LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/Menu.Menu:PersistentLevel.Landscape_1.LandscapeMaterialInstanceConstant_0: Failed to compile Material Instance with Base SnowGen for platform PCD3D_SM5, Default Material will be used in game.’’
In version 4.22 everything worked fine. Any help will be highly appreciated