One of the new features in 4.9 is movable point lights in ES2 rendering mode. I’ve tested them in the ES2 in-editor preview mode, and they work great. Unfortunately, when run in an actual browser in HTML5 mode they cause problems. Visually, with any point lights in the scene any lit geometry either disappears or is massively mangled. I’ve created a test project that reproduces the issue:
Simply launch into HTML5 mode and you will see only the sky (which is unlit) and not the gray block that shows up in the editor. Removing the red movable point light fixes the issue in HTML5 mode. I’ve also attached the log that is printed when the issue happens in Chrome. Looking at it, it looks like the problem is that the GLSL pixel shaders contain instructions that are optional in the OpenGL ES2 spec, and it seems that Chrome and Firefox don’t implement them. Specifically:
for (;;)
f63 = pow((1.000000e+000+(-clamp(dot(v74,v74),0.000000e+000,1.000000e+000))),pu_h[i62].w);
I’ve been able to reproduce this issue on 4.9 Preview 4 and master, with both Chrome 44.0.2403.155 and Firefox 43.0a1.