4.9.1 and Oculus DK 2 not working

Anyone have the same problem not being able to run a the Oculus and a Level in VR? In 4.7.6 everything works fine??


Same happened to me. When I press Alt + Enter, the game crashes and the window has to be closed manually in the task manager…

I’ve discovered that if you show the console inside the game, VR mode works properly, but I don’t know why… I’ve posted this same issue a couple of hours before :slight_smile:

So, I got it working by pressing ~ to show command line, and typing “showlog” (without quotes).

Then I’m able to run VR in several ways:

1º- Typing “stereo on” at command line
2º- Pressing Alt + Enter
3º- Typing “fullscreen” at command line (looks like fullscreen command switch between VR and normal mode, but it doesn’t do what I expected… :-S)

Hope this can let you keep on working until this issue is fixed…
Best regards,

Thx for your help :slight_smile: Funny but when i enter “stereo on” (without qutoes :slight_smile: ) i get an output from the CMD and from the Level Command Line the this is an “Command not recognized”

hmmm… :slight_smile:

OMG, that is weird!, I’ve copy-pasted your “stereo on” at my command line and it worked for me :-S
Did other methods to switch between Vr and normal mode worked?

Ill get back to you on this on Monday,crazy days ahead :slight_smile:

I get crashes with VR preview when I have anything but my level.umap loaded in the editor. Any other tabs and it crashes.