[4.8p3+, C++] NotifyActorBeginOverlap doesn't work

I have C++ class (ATeleporter) sub-classed from AActor.

It has NotifyActorBeginOverlap:

void AATeleporter_Specials::NotifyActorBeginOverlap(AActor* OtherActor)


GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(2, 2.f, FColor::White, "BeginOverlap");


And NotifyActorBeginOverlap doesn’t work if root object is too small (z scale = 0).


Screenshot - a0339e230ee94efdceeafbeda78e616c - Gyazo - z scale = 0
Screenshot - ff173d24cd204067a3fa2f94e10fe75d - Gyazo - no “BeginOverlap” message.

Screenshot - 4cee9fded04254b8e1d608a9a2eaf29b - Gyazo - z scale = 0.25
Screenshot - 0864c7e1eeba4fc436d4d08a52c66e32 - Gyazo - “BeginOverlap” message is shown.

Please, let me know if you can reproduce issue.

why would you want a perfectly flat collision volume?

I actually don’t. Just scaled it to 0 so my character was able to step on it and stand. But I was confused why I do not see BeginOverlap message, wasted some time trying to figure out, and when I figured out that issue is in object size, allowed assumption for myself that is could be a bug. May be it isn’t. But still, such behaviour not obvious to me.

Hey Krakean-

I was able to reproduce the issue with the overlap event not playing and have reported the bug (UE-16170) for investigation. As you mentioned, setting the scale to anything above 0 (I tested with 0.00001) will fix the issue.
