Okay, I need to get to the bottom of this error.
A few days ago, I was using 4.7.3 and realised my project was unable to launch or package for Windows 7. From seeing the Log files, the error was that RunUAT.bat could not be located.
Running AutomationTool...
RunUAT.bat ERROR: The batch file does not appear to be located in the /Engine/Build/BatchFiles directory. This script must be run from within that directory.
The system cannot find the batch label specified - EOF
I googled this error to find a number of answers said to open UE4.sln in visual studio and change ‘Development editor’ to ‘Development’ and re-build.
This was confusing to me as I have only used Blueprint projects in the engine downloaded from the launcher, I had never touched visual studio or the source code from Github. After a few hours of messing around trying to get the source code working, I generate UE4.sln, change to ‘development’, click build/rebuild and to my luck I get ‘build failed’ in visual studio
Since then there have been two hotfix updates and we are now on 4.7.5.yet no changes, still cant package my game.
So today, I installed UE4 on a different PC (and one of my university computers) and WHAT? Using different PC’s different versions,and even in a completely blank file, I always get this error and am unable to launch or package any project from on any PC.
Please let me know if anyone can help, my university deadlines are approaching and I need to get this game packaged for windows!
Can you attach the entire output log of a failed build to this thread at a txt file? Also, have you been able to package anything ever, like one of the sample projects in the Learn tab of the launcher?
Looking through your output logs, I’m seeing this persistent error:
LogPhysics:Warning: PHYSX:
(283) 4 :
Mass and inertia computation failed,
setting mass to 1 and inertia to
(1,1,1) LogPhysics:Warning: PHYSX:
(234) 4 : computeMassAndInertia:
Dynamic actor with illegal collision
Here is an AnswerHub thread wherein a user was having the same error occur, and one of my colleagues was able to walk them through the issue. Can you have a look and see if your issue might be related?
Okay, I see that.Though the problem you posted does not resemble my issue. I did recently put a physics object in my scene, but I removed it before that last build log, is there any other way I can find out which asset might be causing the problem?
As for the crash logs, this current issue does not crash UE, so there are no recent crash logs, are there any other files I can get you that might help?
Ok, if you’ve deleted that potentially problematic asset but are still seeing the errors, try this.
Delete the saved, binary and intermediate files from your project and restarting your machine. Sometimes a removed asset lingers and causes build failures. If that fails, try deleting those again, along with the DDC folder from your project, along with the DDC folder from your editor, and restart again.
This will cause the new package to be quite slow (comparatively) as the shaders have to recompile, but hang in there.
thanks for the reply, I tried your suggestion, but it’s still not working, and I have even started removing other possible assets, and tried again. ( I deleted the DDC, from editor, I didn’t see one in my project directory. )
Also, just noted that the physics error, only appears when I press play, it doesn’t appear when I package or launch.
LogPhysics:Warning: PHYSX: ....\PhysXExtensions\src\ExtRigidBodyExt.cpp (283) 4 : PxRigidBodyExt::updateMassAndInertia: Mass and inertia computation failed, setting mass to 1 and inertia to (1,1,1) LogPhysics:Warning: PHYSX: ....\PhysXExtensions\src\ExtRigidBodyExt.cpp (234) 4 : computeMassAndInertia: Dynamic actor with illegal collision shapes
But the RunUAT.bat error, is the only thing that appears in the Output log, when I try to package/launch.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Running AutomationTool... MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): RunUAT.bat ERROR: The batch file does not appear to be located in the /Engine/Build/BatchFiles directory. This script must be run from within that directory. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BUILD FAILED MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): The system cannot find the batch label specified - EOF
What still confuses me is that blank projects don’t package/launch either (and even of different computers), if this happens how could it be a broken asset?
I’m also having this exact same issue, that he has described (Running 4.5.7) All that stuff, and i’ve also tryed what everyone else suggests, there must be something else to help solve this problem.
ah, its a pain right?! Do you know if you get the error in [4.7.5] as well? I dunno if thats what you meant? I will let you know if we get to a solution!
Thanks for your reply,
It definitely used to be! But last night I re-installed the Engine, and now I went back to check, the whole ‘Build’ folder is missing, I am going to try un-installing again, cleaning up old files, then try to install the launcher from the Github- Source code.
I will reply if I can get the ‘Build’ folder back.
sorry i typed that wrong, 4.7.5, yes same engine,and thank you, means a lot to my project…Also from what i heard is that, I’m using blueprints only …No visual studio at all. What i read is that you will need visual studio to package a game? I don’t know if you installed it, but it could be a solution. Though i have packaged certain project before without visual studio, maybe installing it is a solution.
Okay, I have now followed every solution I can find online, I have reduced my project down to its bare bones, and still not been able to remove the LogPhysics:Warning, or get past the RunUAT.bat error.
I can’t start my project again as that won’t package or launch either.
Please, I really need some new solutions here, my university dissertation is due in under 2 weeks, so if I can’t fix this by the end of this week the last 7 months have been for nothing.
I have attached logs that have been requested in similar questions.
4.6 and 4.7 cook.txt logs and the project logs from my current and a newly created project.
Please get back ASAP, I can provide any files you need, I will even give a googledrive link for my actual project it would help!
Have you ever been able to package your project for Windows 64 at any point? if not, can you package one of the example game projects from the Learn tab of the Launcher (maybe say, Platformer Game) and see if it succeeds? If it fails can you attach the logs? Thanks!
Hey, can you go into your RunUAT.bat (should be in Engine/Build/BatchFiles, although it seems to think it isn’t) and change this:
echo RunUAT.bat ERROR: The batch file does not appear to be located in the /Engine/Build/BatchFiles directory. This script must be run from within that directory.
to this:
echo RunUAT.bat ERROR: The batch file does not appear to be located in the /Engine/Build/BatchFiles directory. This script must be run from within that directory. It was run as %0
I have been able to package this project previously. And I am still unable to package any projects, including the platformer game. Platformer Game Output Log
I have tried using both Shipping and Distribution, but it is set to distribution as default.