4.7.3 IOnlineParty - Need explanation


I’m trying to implement this interface but clearly I don’t get how it works and what’s the worflow of it and sadly there is no implementation at all in the sources.

GetMembers → Should retrieve local party array saved in the OSS implementation. Why does the return is EOnlineAsyncTaskState? Why does the output is: TArray& PartyMembers and not TArray>& PartyMembers, as the ref can be shared between game thread and OSS one…

GetNumberOfMembers → In get member you need the LocalNum in input but not in this function, so what are we retrieving?? Does the concept is to have one unique party for all local players?

AddLocalUsers/RemoveLocalUsers what are the goal of those function ? I’m not sure to get the point to it.

Where are the function to invite / reject a party invitation?

Thanks for your insights.

No one knows about it?
Epic Staff, any help from the inside? :smiley:
