Hi Mikolaj,
thank you for your reply.
I had successfully rebuild all solutions (MyProject and UE4). However I am not sure want you mean with regenerating the solutions. Furthermore I couldn’t find the GenerateProjectFiles.bat file.
glad to hear you managed to rebuild it. GenerateProjectFiles.bat is relevant only for Github users who build both game and engine, so it’s not your case.
Red squiggly lines denote intellisense errors. This should disappear once VS finishes parsing everything and builds intellisense database. It may take a while. If you move text cursor over the include statement and press Ctrl+Shift+G, it should take you to requested file. If you get an error window after VS finished parsing then intellisense directories are set up incorrectly and we’ll need to investigate further.
from what I checked, finding directories for intellisense and building works fine and I can’t reproduce your problem locally. I checked on 4.7.1.
Did you do anything specific in your setup?
No I haven’t changed anything specific. I tried to reproduce the problem by creating another c++ template. Unfortunatly the issue is still there.
I noticed that the engine .h files are only. Is this normal? I tried to make the source ordner writeable but I guess the engine revert it back to only.
source files should be located in C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.7\Engine\Source. Can you check whether Intellisense include search paths are properly set up? To do so:
Right click on your project in Solution Explorer in Visual Studio and choose Properties.
Go to Configuration Properties and choose NMake.
See contents of IntelliSense → Include Search Path. It should contain the Source directory and lots of subdirectories.
Engine files are only by default, this is intentional.