4.5 preview shadow issue on mobile

Hey ,

Thank you again for reporting the shadow issue. I have been able to see that static meshes do no cast shadow on a character in Mobile preview. I have entered that issue UE-4633 into our bug database so that it may be resolved in a future build.

Thanks and have a great day!

Hey ,
I donā€™t have any problems packaging iOS on 4.5.1
I can confirm that landscape doesnā€™t have shadows in the previewer but works ok on the device.

Will the metal skylight issue be fixed soon?I think i need that very much ,thank you!

As of this point in time, I am uncertain as to when this issue will be addressed. I will be sure to keep you posted as soon as I hear any information.

Thanks and have a great day!

Glad you found a workaround for this. One question: do you find that reflective materials work with your setup? In my tests, any materials that are not fully rough donā€™t correctly show reflection maps/appear black in shadowed areas.

No the reflections donā€™t work. I have another thread about it here :

But if you look at the post from RCaloca from 8 days ago you will see that he says that scene captures have a problem, which would affect the reflections and also skylight has a problem which, would affect the shadows color and the AO from the skylight.
I cant get his HDR workaround to work so Iā€™m hoping there is a fix in 4.6 .

Landscape shadows are now fixed on 2347659, I think itā€™ll make it into 4.6!

Shadows on landscape in mobile preview will make it for 4.7, Iā€™m pushing to get it into 4.6!

Thatā€™s good news. Any info on the skylight and scene capture problems you mentioned in this thread?

The scene captures will definitely be in for 4.6. The skylight issue we still canā€™t repro.

I call it a skylight bug but thatā€™s probably wrong. Its the black shadows from direct light sources that I am really talking about. The only way to get rid of solid black shadow is to have some form of indirect lighting. You get this from either the skylight or the environment color in the world settings. Neither of these seem to work.
Its very easy to repro.
Create a new project and use the first person template.
The simple areas with the piled boxes already has some lighting set up.
Switch the direct, stationary light source to be mobile and then bake the scene.
Test PC. Looks normal.
Test mobile previewā€¦ Black Shadows.

As you say, it probably isnā€™t a skylight bug.
Perhaps this bug is addressed in a different fix?

Here is a link to a different thread where I try quite a few different tests.

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Hi have you been able to solve this issue ? I canā€™t find any clear answers on these posts.

And mods, I donā€™t know this post has been marked as ā€œsolvedā€ but itā€™s been almost two years and itā€™s 4.12.5 and this issue still occurs, not solved.

If you say this post is old and create another post, I will but I donā€™t think this is solved. There is no clean answers on these related posts

Hey finwefeanor,

It would be a good idea to create a new post with updated information, due to the age of this post. Please go ahead and post a new thread in the Bug Reports section so that we can investigate the issue.
