4.27 Online SubsystemSteam CreateSession failing?

When trying to create a session in 4.27 blueprints using OnlineSubsystemSteam the session fails to be created. We have tried converting a 4.26.2 project that was working, as well as creating everything from scratch in 4.27, both using the documentation found here: Online Subsystem Steam | Unreal Engine Documentation.

We have the OnlineSubsystemSteam plugin installed, have port 7777 forwarded to the correct host machine, Firewall correctly opened, and the following setup using steam’s test app id of 480 in DefaultEngine.ini for the project:





Steamworks SDK is in 4.27 Engine=>Source=>ThirdParty=>Steamworks, though it has more in this directory than I am used to seeing in this folder:


When running the game in standalone or launching the game from the right click menu on the .uproject file we get a working steam overlay, but when we try to actually create a session it fails.

In our GameInstance Blueprint we have the following:

We have a struct that gets populated by data passed from a widget based on user data entry. We have confirmed the values being passed are valid and of the correct datatype for the CreateSession blueprint’s parameters.

Does anyone know what we might be missing or why this was working in 4.26 but is not working in 4.27?


Same problem here in 4.27.2.

I’ve tried sdk 1.47 (which i was using in 4.26), 1.51 (the new default one), and even 1.53 (which i downloaded and installed myself). In all cases, everything works fine except session creation.

Did you get any luck solving this ?


For anyone bumping into this problem.
The solution is here:

Hope this finds you well and helps clarify some of the issues in UE4.27 Online Subsystem Steam