UE4 4.27, Bink, Oodle and a whole lot more are here!!
You are welcome to post any issues you have, or questions, as you are upgrading your project to 4.27 here!
If you figure out any compile error solutions feel free to tell us about it in this thread so we can all help each out with the transition!
Victory to You!
Visual Studio 2019
As mentioned by Epic, 4.27 will be compatible with UE5 when it is released officially, and so if you have not set up VS2019 for UE5 yet then you will want to do that for 4.27.
I have a UE5 thread that explains this in greater detail here!
If you’ve changed your CameraShakes to MatineeCameraShakes in 4.26, in 4.27 the MatineeCameraShake was moved to its own module: GameplayCamera. You’ll need to include that in your projects Build.cs, and update your includes
from: #include <Runtime/Engine/Classes/Camera/CameraShake.h>
to #include <GameplayCameras/Public/MatineeCameraShake.h>
Also noticed a few members need accessed or set via Getters and Setters, but the deprecated warnings messages give all the details there so should be easy enough for people to sort.